Meet Rachel Turchin | Canvas Rebel

Hi Rachel, thanks for joining us today. Can you share a story with us from back when you were an intern or apprentice? Maybe it’s a story that illustrates an important lesson you learned or maybe it’s a just a story that makes you laugh (or cry)? Looking back at internships and apprenticeships can be interesting, because there is so much variety in people’s experiences – and often those experiences inform our own leadership style.

Believe it or not, I started my journey in the working world in the fashion industry! Fashion internships were highly competitive positions and I was eager to get my foot in the door. Though fashion may appear super glamorous (and can be!), the day to day is true hard work! I have vivid memories of taking the subway and walking all over New York City, carrying bags of clothes to and from different businesses, sweating profusely in the hot summer air, wondering where it would take me. I look back fondly on those experiences because they instilled true grit, passion and drive in me. In order to achieve your dreams, you’ve got to roll up your sleeves, get sweaty and commit to whatever it takes to get there!


Scouted Destinations Feature | The Scout Guide


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